last night i move out from my friend's place immediately soon after she send me a stupid sms ( for me lorr )..i cannot understand these people,either they dont listen,dont understand or just dont have manners...but,everyone know that its hard to find truth friends..so the best way,is live ur life as fullest as u can without thinking anything..once i think back,better for me not to get involved with anyone.just live my life like this..
but last night,when i move my things from that place,i was crying..totally sad n disappointed..how could she do this to me..how could she send me sms like that..and the most important is how could she say things like that..didnt she ever think that the things that she said and probihited me to do is stupid?? why is i said stupid,sebab dia pun buat jugak!!!!! how come u nak tegur seseorang,tetapkan rules n regulations tp u as the owner u break,mcm mana u nk espect people follow n respect ur guidelines..such a stupid rules n regulation..tp sebab i ni jenis bangsa yg malas nak bertekak or to make the story short,i sedar diri i duduk umah dia,so i silent..malas nak ckp,,tp cuba fikir balik la.. ( PADAHAL,SITUASI DIA SAMA DGN I,TP X NAK ADMIT) ..dah la,dia selalu tinggalkan i dlm umah dgn boyfriend dia..dia kuar..tp seingat i la..waktu dia dtg lepak umah i,i tak prnh terima any guest,sebab apa? sebab i nak dia rasa comfortable bila ada dlm umah i,i nak dia rasa free to move around in my house,i dont want she feels awkward when she spent a night at my place..thats it..sepatutnya,before she said things to me,she supposed think first,but sadly,she did not..terlalu ikutkan perasaan,emotional,and some more the BF...adoi..i bukan jenis mengungkit,tp once dia buat mcm ni,i rasa geram.because if i boleh sabar n didnt say anything,why cant she? just be patient la babe..aku bukan duduk rumah kau lama2 pun..lgpun aku dh sound awal2 just for temporary..paling lewat,before FEBRUARY aku blah..tp sebab dia x sabar,n said bad things to me,last night jugak i blah..angkut all my things..erm..i sorang2 tau..padahal waktu i pindah brg2 i dr my previous condo,i sewa lori and labour..tp mlm td,tak ada nya nak sewa lori n labour,i angkut sendiri masuk dlm keta..dont u guys ever think la berapa kali i naik n turun tangga tingkat 4 ..4 trip..start from 7.45pm finished at 00:35 am..but still i have left one big boxe,i x larat sebab waktu tu dh nak colapsed..nak pengsan rasanya..tangan n kaki ni dh mengeletar..i buat sorang2..no friends help me..i tak minta tlg siapa2 pun..actually,i pun bodoh gak,sebab nak tunjukkan pada dia yg masih respect rules dia..NO MAN IN THE HOUSE..so,thats why i x minta tlg anyone,i buat sorang2..i langsung x leh tido because my arms n legs are totally hurt until around 5am something i called W to bring me to the clicnic for injection,because cannot tahan anymore..today,im going to pack some things from the house..but i cannot finished pack all the things within short period as i have to do it all alone..
dont she ever think,when she's in trouble last 2 year,dont she ever think when she came and lepak at my place,how i treat her and her boyfriend,remember during raya haji last year,how i treat her brother n gurlfriend..i make sure they feel comfortable during their n her stayed at my place..why cant she be a bit patients during my stays at her place..furthermore,i already mention that im not going to stay long at her place,paling lama pun,before FEBRUARY,i'll find my own place..but she cant do that..shes not patient..
i think i ni jenis bangsa yang totally tak kisah..even she said things that she are not supposed to say...but i just rilex n buat bodoh..but yesterday,when she say something that related about mother..i cannot tahan..then i decided to move my things even i dont know where to go..i went to her house,pick my few things ,when out and search for the house..ALHAMDULLILAH, AllAH still love n care about me..i found one place..so at the moment i stayed there,but somehow i fell comfortable as that is my new house and my new life..
start from yesterday,im gonna proof to everyone and fixed back all my mistakes..so..moral of the story..make sure u can survive anywhere..theres though world out there ..
till we meet again
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Hai, saya doakan semoga awk akan lebih bahagia lepas ni. Hope u success in what ever you do in life.
Hope u always success after this.
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